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knee arthroscopy

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Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that allows the surgeon to look at the joint surfaces (smooth articular cartilage), menisci (“sports” or “shock absorber” cartilage), and the main ligaments of the knee (cruciate), and treat and debride (smoothe ) damaged structures.


Before surgery you will meet with Dr. Carbó to discuss the operation and listen to and answer any questions that may arise. You will receive a detailed description of the operation based on your symptoms and the results of the images, you will sign the consent for the operation, and the knee to be operated on will be marked. 


During surgery, digital photographs are taken that will help explain the intraoperative findings and the intervention performed. You will receive a copy of it for your personal medical history.


For arthroscopy, a camera is inserted through 2 or 3 very small incisions. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. This is normally an outpatient procedure lasting between 20 and 30 minutes, although occasionally an overnight stay may be recommended, especially if the surgery includes any additional procedures (for example microfracture of seriously damaged cartilage).

This surgical technique allows us to treat the following pathologies:


  • Synovial tissue resection

  • Osteochondral lesions, such as detachment of circumscribed lesions or removal of free intra-articular fragments

  • Meniscal injuries, either partial meniscectomies (that is, only the damaged region of the meniscus is removed) or meniscal sutures.

  • Ligament injuries, such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction.

knee surgeon

Dr. Lisandro Carbó

Practice Locations

SG Medical Office

Avda. Coronel Díaz 2760

PB ¨B¨    CABA

Monday 10am - 12pm

Thursday 11 - 15

+54 911 6645 2564

Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires

Potosí 4247    PB


Tel: +54 911 4959 0200

internal: 8267

(leave voicemail)

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